Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Eaglewood Homeowners Association Newsletter
February 20, 2007
And the Winner is…

During the Eaglewood Neighborhood Meeting held February 15th at Oakleaf Village Retirement Community, homeowners voted the sign above as the winning design! The meeting was called to order at 7:35pm. The Eaglewood Homeowners Association President, Emily Ordorica thanked everyone attending for coming to participate in selecting the sign to be constructed to replace the existing neighborhood sign. Emily reviewed the events regarding discussion and planning for the sign replacement project since the previous neighborhood wide meeting held in September 2006.

Emily introduced her brother, whom will be the landscaper that will be re-landscaping the island around the sign. The landscaping design was presented to the attendees – with details of the types of plants to be planted. The cost of landscaping being presented was stated to be the cost for the plants to be planted, with the landscaper providing his services at no cost to the association as a gratuity. The need for volunteer help to prepare and install the new landscaping was conveyed, along with a volunteer signup sheet being passed among the attendees.

Emily introduced Bob Bertke from the Sign Replacement Project Committee to outline the process the committee underwent in researching and selecting the sign designs that were to be presented. Bob explained that the committee had met several times during the months of November, December and January. Bob outlined the committee discussing various types of sign construction, including custom built masonry and wood options. The custom designs were eliminated by the committee for reasons such as cost and future maintenance and upkeep. The signs being presented were chosen for their attractiveness, the expected low maintenance and upkeep, along with expected long life of the type of sign (pre-cast foam – sealed in acrylic). Scott Brady, a representative from the Harmon Sign Company that provided the sign designs being presented was in attendance, and answered several question throughout the meeting.

Emily outlined the current status of the Eaglewood HOA financial situation, providing attendees with the current account balance, along with projecting expenses for the association through September of this year (when next years dues will be collected). The cost for each of the two design options were presented with a detailed breakdown of the expected cost allocation per homeowner. The attendees were informed that the cost per homeowner of Design #1 would be $66, and the cost per homeowner of Design # 2 would be $79. Emily explained that whichever sign is voted as the winner, the cost per homeowner will be assessed as a one time allocation in addition to the normal annual dues. This one time allocation will be due by April 1, 2007.

A call for a motion to proceed with a vote for the sign was put forth. Terry Awls put the motion forward, which was seconded by John Sundheimer. Prior to the vote, Emily Ordorica advised that she received approximately eight call in votes for homeowners that could not be in attendance. The vote was then put forward by show of hands. The results of those in attendance were a unanimous vote for Design #2. Emily stated that the secretary will prepare a newsletter announcing the winning design to be sent out as soon as possible. The newsletter will include a “cut-off” invoice to fill out and submit with payment of the $79 cost per homeowner.

If you have any questions regarding the meeting, or the sign replacement project, please feel free to contact Emily Ordorica at 419-882-6233.

NOTE: Newsletters can now be viewed at http://www.eaglewoodhomeowners.blogspot.com/ .

Officers Committee Members
Emily Ordorica - President Bob Bertke Bill Ludwig Jeano Towns
Nick Melchert - Secretary Andrea Brady Lisa McCoy John Sundheimer
Robin Reynolds - Treasurer Patrick Brady Bill Ruff

Calendar of Events
March 14................. Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
April 1…………….....Eaglewood Sign Replacement Costs Due
April 11.................... Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
May 9...................... Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
June 13.................... Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
June 30.................... Deadline for completion of Eaglewood sign replacement

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Eaglewood Newsletter - February 2007

Eaglewood Homeowners Association Newsletter
February 10, 2007

Hello Eaglewood Homeowners. Here we all are, deep in the middle of winter during one of the longest cold snaps in many years. Though the temperatures outside are downright frigid, before we know it, spring will be upon us and we will be moving closer to completion of the Eaglewood sign replacement project.

During the monthly meetings over the past several months, the Eaglewood Homeowners Association officers and committee members have been moving forward with plans to replace the Eaglewood neighborhood sign. Information on design costs and options have been gathered and are being prepared for presentation to the neighborhood. There will be a very important neighborhood wide meeting being held February 15 at 7:30pm at Oakleaf Village retirement community located at 4220 N. Holland Sylvania Road. During the meeting all attending homeowners will have a chance to cast their vote to choose between the sign designs. A simple majority rule vote will decide the design to be completed.

We will be posting several “reminder” signs in the neighborhood in the week leading up to the meeting. If you have any questions, or if you know you will not be able to attend but would still like to have your input by way of vote, please contact Emily Ordorica at 419-882-6233 to cast your absentee vote prior to the meeting February 15th.

Neighborhood Sign Meeting
Date: February 15, 2007
Time: 7:30pm
Place: Oakleaf Village 4220 N. Holland Sylvania Rd.

During the meeting we will present the design options that have been obtained by the Eaglewood Homeowners Association Officers and Committee Members. Throughout the months of November, December and January, the sign replacement project committee met to put together a plan to replace the existing Eaglewood sign. Several different sign companies and design possibilities were considered, keeping in mind the share of the cost to each homeowner as a main concern. The design finalists were chosen by the committee for presentation to the Eaglewood Homeowners. Please make it a priority to come to the meeting and have your vote counted. The officers and committee members have worked diligently on the sign replacement project and toward organizing this meeting. We hope to see everyone there to share in choosing the design that will be constructed. See page two of this newsletter for a preview of the design finalists that will be presented.

Officers Committee Members
Emily Ordorica - President Bob Bertke Bill Ludwig Jeano Towns
Nick Melchert - Secretary Andrea Brady Lisa McCoy John Sundheimer
Robin Reynolds - Treasurer Patrick Brady Bill Ruff

Calendar of Events

February 15...........Eaglewood HOA Mtg - Sign Project7:30pm @ Oakleaf Village
March 14.................Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
April 11................... Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
May 9...................... Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
June 13.................... Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
June 30.................... Deadline for completion of Eaglewood sign replacement

Friday, February 16, 2007

Eaglewood Homeowners Association Newsletter
October 2006

Hello Eaglewood Homeowners. For many this may be the first newsletter you have ever received, for others it might just have been a while since you have received one. September 23rd a meeting for Eaglewood Homeowners was held at Highland Meadows Golf Club. During the meeting, new officers were nominated and elected and a council of committee members whom have chosen to be active participants on the association governing board that was formed. The new officers and committee members are:

Officers Committee Members
Emily Ordorica - President Bob Bertke Bill Ludwig Jeano Towns
Nick Melchert - Secretary Andrea Brady Lisa McCoy John Sundheimer
Robin Reynold - Treasurer Patrick Brady Bill Ruff

A list of Officers and Committee Members Names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses is included at the end of this newsletter. Additionally, the association’s financial statement, a copy of the neighborhood deed restrictions, and Eaglewood Homeowners Association dues invoice and envelope will also be included.

Many thanks to the former officers Cathy Sanderson - Secretary and Kathy Brown - Treasurer for their many years holding their offices. A special thank you goes out to former President John Sundheimer for continuing on as an active committee member, his experience will be appreciated in helping guide the new officers and committee members.

We welcome and encourage anyone in the neighborhood to become more involved in the neighborhood association. Feel free to attend any of the association monthly meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month (except December) at Nautica Coffee at 7:30pm. If you have any questions about the association or any other matter concerning the neighborhood, feel free to contact Emily Ordorica, or any of the officers or committee members.

New Neighborhood Sign
During the September 23rd meeting, and again in our October meeting the need to replace our Eaglewood subdivision sign was discussed and placed as the top priority for the Eaglewood Homeowners Association for the coming year. This past summer, you may have noticed that the top part of the sign was missing, it literally fell apart. The sign is now twenty years old and is in disrepair. The bottom line is that it needs to be replaced. A sign project committee has been formed and will be obtaining designs and estimates for a replacement sign. When the sign project committee has gathered the designs and estimates, a homeowners meeting will be held to inform neighbors of the costs to the association and listen to any input regarding the project.

The deadline for completion of the sign project was set for June 30, 2007 by the officers and committee members. This will allow some time for a professional landscaping “make over” in the island area surrounding the new sign by the beginning of the Jamie Farr golf tournament. If you are interested in getting involved in the sign replacement project please contact Emily Ordorica.
Officers Neighborhood Greeting
In the near future, the new officers and committee members will be coming around the neighborhood to introduce themselves. The officers plan to gather input from all of the neighbors on any activities that they would be interested in seeing take place. We have several ideas of fun family activities that have taken place in the past such as block parties and holiday parades for the kids and progressive dinner parties. The association hopes to see an increase in activities and involvement in these or other fun things in our neighborhood. We will see you soon to let everyone know of opportunities to get involved in keeping Eaglewood a fun and attractive neighborhood for all of our families to continue to enjoy.

Calendar of Events
November 8 ............Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
January 10 ...............Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
February 14............. Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
March 14................. Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
April 11................... Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
May 9...................... Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
June 13.................... Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica CoffeeJune 30 ....................Deadline for completion of Eaglewood sign replacement