Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Eaglewood HOA Meeting Notes - July 2008

Eaglewood Homeowners Association
Meeting Notes - July 2008
July 9, 2008 7:30pm – Nautica Coffee
Emily Ordorica – Eaglewood Homeowners Association President called the meeting to order at 7:38 pm.

The Officers and Committee members in attendance were:
Emily Ordorica, Robin Reynolds, Bill Ludwig, Bob Bertke, Lisa McCoy, Nick Melchert, John Sundheimer and Jeano Towns. Committee members not in attendance were Andrea and Pat Brady.



Emily brought forward for discussion the irrigation project, providing updated information regarding the status of the project.

Emily advised that she had contacted Grant Rabideau whom is an inspector with Lucas County to have him come and take a look at the existing water lines to the boulevard island. Mr. Rabideau looked at the existing water meter and water line. In his opinion, Mr. Rabideau advised that the water meter currently installed by the city has a backflow valve contained within it, therefore – nothing more needs to be done to prevent groundwater from backing up into the city water supply.

Emily advised that she will be contacting the city water department again to discuss the information learned from Mr. Rabideau. Emily will ask the water department to come and inspect the water meter and lines to determine whether the irrigation project can proceed with the existing equipment.


Emily reviewed discussions from the June HOA Meeting regarding a request by a homeowner to install a mailbox that does not conform to the deed restrictions. Afterward, the issue was further discussed among the officers and committee members. The deed restrictions were reviewed and found to clearly indicate that mailboxes are to be of “rustic cedar construction”. A motion to vote on the the homeowner’s request to install a non-conforming “Rubbermaid” style mailbox was brought forward by Emily Ordorica and seconded by Lisa McCoy. By a vote of 7 neighs to 1 aye, the request to allow the non-conforming mailbox was denied. Emily advised that a letter will be drafted and sent to the homeowner.


Robin Reynolds passed out a financial statement and gave a brief report on dues collection. Robin advised that there are now only five homeowners that have not paid their HOA Dues. It was discussed that further attempts by Robin and the committee will be made to collect all of the remaining unpaid dues.


Emily relayed to the committee that Pat Brady suggested the possibility of combining the Annual Meeting with the Fall Picnic. Those in attendance thought it would be a good idea. The idea will be further discussed in the August Meeting.


The Eaglewood HOA July Newsletter was distributed to the door of all Eaglewood Homeowners The newsletter included information on the following topics:

New Officers & Committee Members needed – September Elections
Fall Neighborhood Cookout
What your HOA does for you.
Irrigation System


It was brought forward that a homeowner has been storing an appliance (a clothes washer or dryer) on the patio behind their house. It was discussed that a letter be written and delivered to the homeowner instructing that the appliance be removed.

Meeting adjourned 8:32pm.

NOTE: Newsletters and meeting notes can now be viewed at

Officers Committee Members
Emily Ordorica - President Bob Bertke Bill Ludwig Jeano Towns
Nick Melchert - Secretary Andrea Brady Lisa McCoy
Robin Reynolds - Treasurer Patrick Brady John Sundheimer
Calendar of Events
August 13……. Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
September 10.. Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
September 14..Eaglewood Homeowners – Fall Cookout (Rain Date Sept 21st)
October 8…….. Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
November 12... Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
December……. No meeting – Happy Holidays!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Eaglewood HOA Newsletter - July 2008

Eaglewood Homeowners Association Newsletter
July 7, 2008

Hello Eaglewood Homeowners! Happy Summer!! Barbeques, graduation parties, 4th of July Celebrations and yes – The Jamie Farr Tournament! We hope that everyone is enjoying the summer season, getting outside to work in the yard, completing summer projects or just having fun and soaking up some summer sun! In this newsletter, we will bring you up to date on what the HOA has been working on through the first half of the year, and inform you of some upcoming events and important dates.

Like many of our homeowners, the Eaglewood HOA is busy completing outdoor summer projects. The little markers placed along the island entering our subdivision are evidence that this year’s summer project of installing a sprinkler system in the island around our new Eaglewood sign is underway.

The sprinkler system project has been slowed a bit by the city water department. The city advised that the yard hydrant that is installed in the islands must be removed because it is no longer up to code. Additionally, the sprinkler system installation will require a plumber licensed to install a backflow valve as part of the installation. Finally, the city requires the backflow valve to be inspected annually by a plumber licensed to perform a backflow valve inspection. This must be done to meet the more stringent EPA regulations designed to prevent ground water from contaminating the city water supply. As a result, the association is currently investigating the additional costs for the plumber and annual inspections. Though it is not anticipated that these costs will prevent the project from moving forward, the association is reviewing these unexpected costs and anticipates that the project will proceed – possibly in two phases:

2008 - Removing the lawn hydrant and installing new in-ground water faucet with backflow valve. 2009 - Installing the sprinkler system.

Eaglewood Fall Cookout!! – September 14th

As a result of the success of last years fall cookout, the association is planning a 2nd Annual – Eaglewood Fall Cookout! The association received a lot of positive feedback during and after the neighborhood cookout last October. We plan to continue the fun and establish a new tradition of holding this event annually – to help reconnect with old neighborhood friends and meet with neighbors we might not otherwise get to meet. Be on the lookout for a flyer in your door – and a sign in the boulevard islands giving further details. The tentative date for the party is Sunday September 14th (Rain Date September 21).

Eaglewood HOA - Annual Neighborhood Wide Meeting
Date: September 10, 2008
Time: 7:30pm
Place: Highland Meadows Golf Club (Tentative)
Officer Elections: New Officers will be Nominated and Elected for
2008 - 2010

Everyone is encouraged to come to this neighborhood wide meeting. During the meeting we will review the accomplishments of the previous year, outline goals and events planned for the coming year, address any homeowner concerns brought to the meeting and elect new officers for the 2008 - 2010 two year term.

Electing New Officers

The Eaglewood Homeowners Association officer positions are President, Treasurer and Secretary. It is very important to the Eaglewood neighborhood that these positions are filled by new people with fresh energy and ideas. Electing new officers helps to insure that more people are involved in the direction and leadership of our neighborhood. It is important to every one of our homeowners that the Eaglewood Homeowners Association maintains an active role in the neighborhood. Continuing a strong and active association helps to insure that our neighborhood will continue to be well maintained and remain a great place to live. Please consider getting more involved by taking on one of these very important officer positions! Anyone interested in learning more – please contact Emily Ordorica at 419-882-6233.

The Eaglewood Homeowners Association would like every homeowner to know the importance of maintaining a strong and active association. Below is an excerpt from

What does it take to keep a neighborhood attractive and nice? The crucial factor is the willingness of the men and women who make up the association's board of directors to enforce the rules that have been created. What could happen if the restrictions are not enforced? An average size community with 100 or more members will invite varying degrees of what constitutes an acceptable standard of maintenance. With that in mind, the appearance of a development can steadily decline if the board members do not discuss and establish uniform standards for everyone. The neighborhood can either become an architectural showcase for sustained property values, or it can become a venue for the weird and unusual. People have differing views of what is attractive and, without certain deed restrictions, there is a good chance of the neighborhood looking dramatically different over time from the way it did when you first bought your home.

Top 10 Things your HOA has done for you during the past year:

10 Lawn mowing of the grassy areas of the boulevard islands.
9 Fertilization of the grassy areas of the boulevard islands.
8 Landscape planting and mulching around the neighborhood sign.
7 Trimming Trees in the boulevard islands.
6 Replacing the inoperative photo-electric sensor that controls the neighborhood sign lights.
5 Remove and replace the lawn hydrant that supplies water to the boulevard islands.
4 Decorate boulevard island trees with holiday lighting.
3 First Annual Eaglewood Fall Cookout.
2 Payment of all proper bills of the Association.
1 Planning and Replacement of the Eaglewood neighborhood sign.

Please be considerate of walkers in our neighborhood by trimming any low, overhanging branches along the sidewalk in front of or along side of your homes. There are some branches that are enough of an obstruction that walkers must go around them onto homeowner’s yards.

Checkout Eaglewood Homeowner’s Association Meeting Notes and Newsletters at

Officers Committee Members
Emily Ordorica - President Bob Bertke Bill Ludwig Jeano Towns
Robin Reynolds - Treasurer Andrea Brady Lisa McCoy
Nick Melchert - Secretary Patrick Brady John Sundheimer

Calendar of Events

July 9…………..Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
August 13……. Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
September 10.. Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
September 14.. 2nd Annual Eaglewood Fall Cookout Rain Date: Sept 21
October 8…….. Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
November 12... Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
December……. No meeting – Happy Holidays!!

Eaglewood HOA - Meeting Notes June 2008

Eaglewood Homeowners Association
Meeting Notes - June 2008
June 11, 2008 7:30pm – Nautica Coffee
Emily Ordorica – Eaglewood Homeowners Association President called the meeting to order at 7:42 pm.

The Officers and Committee members in attendance were:
Emily Ordorica, Nick Melchert and Jeano Towns. Also in attendance was Eaglewood resident Joan Torzewski. Committee members not in attendance were, Bob Bertke, Patrick Brady, Andrea Brady, Bill Ludwig, Lisa McCoy, Robin Reynolds and John Sundheimer.



Emily brought forward for discussion the fact that the irrigation project is currently on hold due to the following circumstances:

Mr. Creekmore from Just Another Lawn Service went to the Sylvania Water Department to pull his permit. The water department advised him that the yard hydrant installed in the boulevard islands is no longer up to code. They advised him that it would need to be removed – due to the possibility of ground water contaminating the city water supply.

Emily followed up her conversation with Mr. Creekmore by contacting the Sylvania Water Department – and spoke to a gentleman named Rick. Rick explained to Emily that the yard hydrant could be replaced with an in ground faucet with an in-line backflow valve. The backflow valve has to be installed by a plumber licensed to install a backflow valve. The backflow valve installation has to be inspected (Rick advised the cost for the inspection should be around $80-$150.) Rick further advised Emily that an EPA inspection is required to be done annually by a plumber licensed to do the backflow valve inspection.

Emily advised that the project is on hold until either a special meeting, or the scheduled July HOA Meeting. During that time frame, additional information will need to be gathered to discuss whether the project will be able to proceed. Emily will attempt to obtain the following information.

Contact a plumber licensed to install and inspect the faucet with backflow valve.
Firm up inspection requirements and costs.
Contact Mr. Creekmore to meet with us at the next meeting if necessary.

If it becomes apparent that the irrigation project will not be able to proceed this year, Emily advised that we will need to solicit volunteers to water the island plants.


Robin Reynolds was not in attendance. The committee members in attendance were in need of information on outstanding dues, so Robin was contacted via cell phone to get the information. Robin advised that she was not at home, but to her recollection there were 11 homeowners that had not paid their dues. Robin advised that she will distribute late notices to all of the unpaid homeowners.


New Officers & Committee Members needed – September Elections
Fall Neighborhood Cookout
What your HOA does for you.
Irrigation System


Emily advised that she had been contacted by one of the homeowners regarding installing a new mailbox. Emily had informed the neighbor to supply details regarding the type of mailbox the neighbor intended to install by five days prior to the June HOA meeting. The neighbor gave Emily a printout the day before the meeting, showing the type of mailbox that they want to install. Emily passed around the printout to the committee members – showing a “Rubbermaid” style mailbox. The committee members present were all in agreement that the proposed mailbox does not conform to the type required by the Eaglewood deed restrictions. It was decided that the issue would need to be tabled until the July HOA meeting when there would be enough officers and committee members in attendance to vote on the request.


It was brought forward that raising dues may be required if the HOA realizes increased costs for services – such as lawn care, utilities and irrigation inspections.

Meeting adjourned 8:30pm.

NOTE: Newsletters and meeting notes can now be viewed at

Officers Committee Members
Emily Ordorica - President Bob Bertke Bill Ludwig Jeano Towns
Nick Melchert - Secretary Andrea Brady Lisa McCoy
Robin Reynolds - Treasurer Patrick Brady John Sundheimer
Calendar of Events
July 9…………..Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
August 13……. Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
September 10.. Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
September 14..Eaglewood Homeowners – Fall Cookout (Rain Date Sept 21st)
October 8…….. Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
November 12... Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
December……. No meeting – Happy Holidays!!