Thursday, February 21, 2008

Eaglewood HOA Meeting Notes - February 2008

Eaglewood Homeowners Association
Meeting Notes - February 2008
February 13, 2008 7:30pm – Nautica Coffee

Emily Ordorica – Eaglewood Homeowners Association President called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm.

The Officers and Committee members in attendance were:
Bob Bertke, Bill Ludwig, Nick Melchert, Emily Ordorica, Robin Reynolds, Jeano Towns. Committee members not in attendance were, Andrea Brady, Patrick Brady, Lisa McCoy, Bill Ruff and John Sundheimer.


TRIMMING TREES: Emily advised that the committee had previously discussed obtaining updated estimates to trim the trees on the boulevard islands. Emily suggested that the committee obtain at least two or three quotes from tree trimming companies to compare to the quote obtained previously. That existing quote from Brian Lang was discussed and recapped - $75 for the six larger sized trees and $50 for the 4 smaller sized trees – for a total cost of $650. Bill Ludwig volunteered to contact several tree trimming services to get additional quotes. Some of the companies to be contacted that were mentioned during the meeting were Blanchard, Savory and Batanian.

IRRIGATION AROUND THE SIGN AREA: Emily queried the committee members in attendance regarding moving forward with installing a sprinkler system around the sign area of the islands. Discussion among the committee included comments that a sprinkler system has been discussed for a long time – but never acted upon. The committee members further discussed the possibility of continuing the present program of asking volunteers to continue doing the watering, or even hiring a couple of the neighborhood kids to do the watering. After discussion – the committee was in agreement that the sprinkler system project should move forward. Further consideration was given to funding the project. Current HOA account balances and known expenses indicate that the sprinkler system can be paid for through HOA dues collected for this year. Emily advised that she would contact several irrigation companies to get updated and more detailed quotes for the sprinkler system.

SPRING ACTIVITY: The committee discussed the previous proposal for a spring activity. The early date of Easter this year was brought up as a main concern. Due to a strong possibility of cold or inclement weather, it was decided that an Easter egg hunt and spring cookout would not be held this year. The committee did make a verbal commitment to hold a Fall Cookout/Pig roast in late September. The Fall cookout will be organized beginning mid-summer – with flyers going out to homeowners, indicating cost per household and asking for reservations attend.

OTHER BUSINESS: The one of the committee members advised that George Zhu and his wife And Weike Tang and their family will be moving due to George accepting a new job out of town.

Nick Melchert advised that the January Eaglewood HOA Newsletter was posted to the Eaglewood Homeowners Association weblog and e-mailed to homeowners with known e-mail addresses. Due to inclement weather – paper copies were not distributed.

TREASURERS REPORT: Robin Reynolds gave a brief summary of the Eaglewood HOA account balance. The current account balance is $2,360.00. Robin indicated that there are still approximately 20 homeowners that have not paid their annual dues. Nick Melchert asked Robin to forward an updated list of the unpaid homeowners – so that he can send out a reminder statement.

Meeting adjourned 8:30pm.

NOTE: Newsletters and meeting notes can now be viewed at

Officers & Committee Members
Emily Ordorica - President
Nick Melchert - Secretary
Robin Reynolds - Treasurer
Bob Bertke Andrea Brady Patrick Brady Bill Ludwig Lisa McCoy Bill Ruff
John Sundheimer Jeano Towns

Calendar of Events
March 12……... Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
April 9……….....Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
May 14…………Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
June 11………..Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
July 9…………..Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
August 13……. Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
September 10.. Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
October 8…….. Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
November 12... Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
December……. No meeting – Happy Holidays!!