Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Eaglewood HOA Meeting Notes - August 2008

Eaglewood Homeowners Association
Meeting Notes - August 2008
August 13, 2008 7:30pm – Nautica Coffee
Emily Ordorica – Eaglewood Homeowners Association President called the meeting to order at 7:38 pm.

The Officers and Committee members in attendance were:
Emily Ordorica, Bill Ludwig, Nick Melchert, and Jeano Towns. Committee members not in attendance were Bob Bertke, Andrea Brady, Pat Brady, Lisa McCoy, Robin Reynolds and John Sundheimer. Also in attendance was Eaglewood resident, Rose Ann French.



Emily brought forward for discussion the irrigation project, providing updated information regarding the status of the project.

Emily advised that she had contacted Grant Rabideau whom is an inspector with Lucas County again regarding the irrigation project. Mr. Rabideau gave Emily a referral to another company – Waterville Irrigation. Emily will be contacting Waterville Irrigation to have them bid the job to install any necessary equipment for Just Another Lawn Service (Mr. Creekmore’s company) to proceed with the irrigation project, as well as a quote to do the complete job. Emily also plans to contact Dave – with the Sylvania Water department to confirm with him what is needed for the project to proceed.


Emily brought forward previous discussion to hold the annual meeting as part of the fall cookout. The idea was originally brought up to Emily by Patrick Brady as a way to promote more neighborhood participation in the annual meeting. It was decided during the meeting that this year the HOA Annual Meeting would be held during the first half-hour of the cookout. As part of the annual meeting, officer nominations/elections will be held to fill the offices of president, treasurer and secretary.

Emily will contact Robin Reynolds to get a copy of the receipt from the cookout last year – to get a better idea of how much food was purchased. The committee discussed and decided that hot dogs and hamburgers would be served again this year, along with everyone attending bringing a dish to share as well as their own beverages.

Nick Melchert advised that he will begin working on a Fall Cookout Notice – and plan to distribute it door to door. Emily advised that she will make signs and post them a couple of weeks before the Fall Cookout.


Bill Ludwig reported that he had collected annual dues from two homeowners that had not yet paid their 2007/2008 annual dues. Robin Reynolds was not present to advise whether any other outstanding dues remain to be collected, but believes that only one homeowner has not paid. Nick Melchert advised that he had spoken to that neighbor earlier in the summer - and stated they had written out their check – but had not submitted it because they forgot where it needed be delivered. Nick will check to see if the payment was submitted.


Emily brought forward the fact that it was decided in a previous meeting that the Eaglewood Homeowners Association would elect new officers once every two years. This decision was made for two main reasons – to promote fresh ideas and renewed energy, and to prevent burnout of the officers. Emily advised that the two year terms of the present officers will be complete this September, and that each officer – president, treasurer and secretary have stated that they do not want to continue in their present positions. Consequently, new officers for each of the positions will need to be nominated/elected during the Annual Meeting at the Fall Cookout. It was further discussed that In the likelihood that there are no homeowners willing to step forward into these positions, the direction of the Eaglewood Homeowners Association would need to be further discussed. The possibility of curtailing regular monthly meetings back to holding just a couple of meeting per year or when situations requiring a meeting arise was discussed.


A homeowner was in attendance to bring several of concerns to the attention of the Eaglewood Homeowners Association. The concerns of the homeowner were discussed at length, with each item brought forward being explained and further clarified as to the reasoning behind the association’s actions (and/or lack of actions).

Meeting adjourned 8:45pm.

NOTE: Newsletters and meeting notes can now be viewed at

Officers Committee Members
Emily Ordorica - President Bob Bertke Bill Ludwig Jeano Towns
Nick Melchert - Secretary Andrea Brady Lisa McCoy
Robin Reynolds - Treasurer Patrick Brady John Sundheimer
Calendar of Events

September 10.. Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
September 14...Eaglewood HOA – Fall Cookout/Annual Meeting (Rain Date Sept 21st)
October 8…….. Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
November 12... Eaglewood Homeowners Meeting 7:30pm @ Nautica Coffee
December……. No meeting – Happy Holidays!!