Monday, March 2, 2009

Eaglewood HOA - November 2008 Meeting Notes

Eaglewood Homeowners Association
Annual Neighborhoodwide Meeting Notes - November 2008
November 12, 2008 7:30pm – Highland Meadows Golf Club

Emily Ordorica – Eaglewood Homeowners Association President called the meeting to order at 7:40 pm.

The Officers and Committee members in attendance were:
Emily Ordorica, Bob (and Mimi Bertke), Andrea and Pat Brady, Lisa McCoy, Nick Melchert, Robin Reynolds and John Sundheimer. Committee members not in attendance were, Bill Ludwig and Jeano Towns.


Emily gave an overview of the accomplishments of the Eaglewood HOA during the past two years, highlighting the major accomplishment of replacing the Eaglewood Sign and Landscaping. Emily thanked all officers and committee members for their hard work.

Emily advised that dues from the past year 2007-2008 have all been collected – with 100% of homeowners having paid their dues. Emily further advised that dues for this year, 2008-2009 will remain $35 and that dues collection notices have been sent out.

Emily gave an outline of everything the Eaglewood HOA is responsible for to stress the importance of continuing the Eaglewood HOA. The list included: paying utilities, insurance, lawn care, tree care, purchase of office supplies, holiday lighting, incidental maintenance and the fall cookout. She expressed her concerns over the need for people in the neighborhood to step forward to fill the officers positions which are to be filled during elections tonight. Emily indicated that if new officers do not step forward that she would put forward a motion to either significantly change or dissolve the HOA due to lack of interest or lack of concerned homeowners.

Finally, Emily stated that if the HOA no longer existed – and dues were no longer collected – once the current dues funds were exhausted, service for electrical, water, lawn care and general maintenance would not be able to continue – and the neighborhood would likely begin to lose appeal and value.

Robin Reynolds distributed a report indicating the current Eaglewood HOA account balances along with a report indicating all expenses paid out during 2008. Robin indicated that currently, 38 of the 74 homeowners have paid their dues for 2008-2009. The current account balance as of this meeting is $2,488. which includes $1,275 of dues collected for the current year 2008-2009.

Emily reported that the irrigation project is ongoing. The project has been postponed to Spring 2009. The bids for the project will be passed along to the newly elected officers and committee members for completion.

Election of new officers for the term November 2008 thru October 2010. All officers nominated and or volunteering were put forward with a motion to vote them into office. Each was seconded and voted in by simple majority vote of all in attendance.

The following are the results of the officer elections:

President: Patrick Brady
Treasurer: Steve Sanderson
Sectretary: None Elected – Nick Melchert has volunteered to continue on as interim
Secretary until another can be found.
Committee: Bob Berke, Andrea Brady, Bill Ludwig, Nick Melchert, Emily Ordorica and John

Meeting adjourned 8:08pm. Next meeting will be held Wednesday January 14, 2009.